Ready to stand for something? is 4 different things:
1 — The Protocol is an open source protocol allowing anyone to use the Pacts data model which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters and its associated signatures through Ceramic protocol, Data is stored on the peer to peer file system IPFS.
Pacts content are public and signature has 3 different modes: public, private and anon. See « How signatures works » to go deeply.
2 — the Team, the DAO (soon) and the Community is a team composed by independents with complementary skills and with a great Web3 experience. has vocation to become a DAO. DAO members could be anyone who wants to contribute to the project. (Contact us on Discord) also has the ambition to become a community. A community committed to its beliefs. A community that is tired of leaving its personal data, political opinions or personal convictions exploited by other petition management platforms under the cover of endless and unclear legal texts, in the unique goal to increase their private capital.
World Citizens, Activists, Game changers, Foundations, Organisations, Politics or even Companies, anybody can use to share and let the world knows about a cause, an ideology or a thought.
3 — The App
Finally, is also a web Domain and a Web3 App able to:
to publish Pacts which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters,
collect Pact’s signatures from community,
raise funds to boost to support Pacts Advocates.
and get influence from other people who be payed for the Lobbying they make for the cause.
4 — A new approach for Advocacy is also an alternative to the classical Lobbying we used to see in our societies. But not a secret and obscure Lobbying, where Lobbyists are a few amount of specialised people, payed by entities to put an influence to Decision makers, where personal interest, gifts, cash back money and other personal advantages are the main tools used. thinks that the weight of people is stronger. Number of people for or against a topic should be most important than paying gifts to decision makers. We imagine a simple, clear and transparent Lobbying system where Lobbyists or Influencers can be anyone concerned by the cause. Lobbyists should be payed to make the buzz and their rewards should be directly linked to the number of verified signatures he generated. imagines and develops tools allowing anyone to exert influence for a or more causes and get rewards for that.