The bigger picture
pact.social is one of the advocacy tools developed by CitizenLab within a bigger vision and mission. The vision in which we base all our creations of tools is linked to the change we want to see in the world.
What we see is that we are part of a wider network of active builders that are connected in a bigger vision, in which we Create Coherent open infrastructures for free and conscious human beings.
New society structures can only rise when the power structure shift dramatically. To shift power individuals need to have tools that are decentralised, and thus transferring power from the few, to the many.
pact.social is one of the tools that exists for advocacy of the many. Our mission is to build it and create it in a way so that individuals do not need to compromise their privacy and data control to be able to organise within a network. Humans have the purpose to foster change, together without fear.
Change happens faster if fear of control, and doubts are replaced by trust. Trust is only achieved by true transparency, and robust technology built without a single point of failure, and governed by the many.
To gain trust in any other way is just marketing. We believe technology should be accessible to anyone, and especially technology that is said to be for benefits bigger than the individual need. Let's say the planet or society, or world health or energy.
We also have seen that value creation and value administration and distribution can be perfectly handled by one community at the time. And adds up to more than its sum.
Abundance is a mindset and conscious humans that organize themselves around it have been proven to prosper and create value beyond their own community therefore.
Our mission is to bring: Coherent open infrastructures to free and conscious human beings.
With pact.social we focus on the aspect of free speech, and be the platform that gives a voice to the many and give us a trusted structure to advocate!
We are building more advocacy tools that share this mission:
For organisations and DAO's
As an organisation you might want to run your campaigns on your own domains within your own branded style. pact.social offers several solutions for this:
Embed the signing widget (on the roadmap) to your own page, so people can sign on your page, but you are insured verification and privacy are covered because it runs through the pact.social smart contracts.
SDK: software development kit (on the roadmap) pact.social is designed to output an SDK, so "Pacts" and their functionalities can be easily be implemented by a programmer in your own webpage or app.
Protocol - Build your own app with the pact.social protocol. Alternatively the protocol is designed in a way that everybody can create their own signatures verified system to their projects, until we have the protocol ready however we can create a custom page for organisations and campaign managers on demand.
Until that time and if you do not have the resources to code the page yourself, but believe in what we do fits with your values as an organisation. Please reach out to us and we can start a collaboration.
Ready to stand for something?
pact.social is 4 different things:
1 — The Protocol
pact.social is an open source protocol allowing anyone to use the Pacts data model which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters and its associated signatures through Ceramic protocol, Data is stored on the peer to peer file system IPFS.
Pacts content are public and signature has 3 different modes: public, private and anon. See « How signatures works » to go deeply.
2 — the Team, the DAO (soon) and the Community
pact.social is a team composed by independents with complementary skills and with a great Web3 experience.
pact.social has vocation to become a DAO. DAO members could be anyone who wants to contribute to the project. (Contact us on Discord)
pact.social also has the ambition to become a community. A community committed to its beliefs. A community that is tired of leaving its personal data, political opinions or personal convictions exploited by other petition management platforms under the cover of endless and unclear legal texts, in the unique goal to increase their private capital.
World Citizens, Activists, Game changers, Foundations, Organisations, Politics or even Companies, anybody can use pact.social to share and let the world knows about a cause, an ideology or a thought.
3 — The App
Finally, pact.social is also a web Domain and a Web3 App able to:
to publish Pacts which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters,
collect Pact’s signatures from community,
raise funds to boost to support Pacts Advocates.
and get influence from other people who be payed for the Lobbying they make for the cause.
4 — A new approach for Advocacy
pact.social is also an alternative to the classical Lobbying we used to see in our societies. But not a secret and obscure Lobbying, where Lobbyists are a few amount of specialised people, payed by entities to put an influence to Decision makers, where personal interest, gifts, cash back money and other personal advantages are the main tools used.
pact.social thinks that the weight of people is stronger. Number of people for or against a topic should be most important than paying gifts to decision makers. We imagine a simple, clear and transparent Lobbying system where Lobbyists or Influencers can be anyone concerned by the cause. Lobbyists should be payed to make the buzz and their rewards should be directly linked to the number of verified signatures he generated.
pact.social imagines and develops tools allowing anyone to exert influence for a or more causes and get rewards for that.
Documentation summary
How do we ensure sybil resistance, by verifying humans.
The many make an impact if we can prove that every signature is a unique human. To keep activists anonymous while still preserving the impact of the amount of signatures is a challenging task. We do not claim to have found the absolute answer and fortunately there are a lot of lunarpunks working to do just this same thing. (proof of humanity, ... ... etc) We will be up to date to constantly improve it. What we have at this moment are several layers of verification.
Cloudflare > when opting for anonimous signing, the first filter we use is with Cloudflare Turnstile. Cloudflare Turnstile stops abuse and confirms visitors are real without the data privacy concerns or awful user experience of CAPTCHAs.
Gitcoin Passport > Signatures should be counted uniquely. Thanks to @gitcoinpassport pact.social becomes the only platform that verifies the unicity of signatures: by humans, not bots. All without KYC process.
Gitcoin Passport is a sybil resistance protocol and identity aggregation dApp built on the Ceramic Network. Users can collect various identity attestations, called "Stamps", from web2 and web3 authenticators all in one place.
Web3 citizens interface with the Passport Protocol through the Passport holder dApp at passport.gitcoin.co. A score > 20 triggers a verified signature.
Email verification with stytch.com. Managing user login with Stytch enables you to authenticate users on an ongoing basis via one-click, passwordless login. When a user signs up for the app, they are added to Stytch. Then, whenever a user goes to login to your app, authenticate them via a magic link.
with Google >
Wallet > when signing with wallet you verify confirmation in your wallet.
pact.social domain desktop
pact.social is a web Domain and a Web3 App able to: to publish Pacts which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters, then collect Pact’s signatures from community, raise funds to boost the Pacts Communication, and get influence from other people who are paid for the Lobbying they make for the cause.
What is under the Hood?
A good diagram is better than a long speech!
Here is how pact.social is working:
Pact.social App is using its Ceramic node to access and write content. We use the pact.social data model on composeDB. Then this content is stored using Ceramic and final data is stored on IPFS peer to peer File System protocol.
App1 is an App that uses pact.social data model and Ceramic node, but the APP is different from pact.social one.
App2 is a third App that uses its own Ceramic node and but with the pact.social’s data model.
For true activism and free voices
We believe the human right to Privacy is one of the big pillars that makes true activism and free voices possible. With Privacy at pact.social we refer to maintaining your identity hidden from your digital engagement on the platform.
You are able to sign for a petition, manifesto or open letter and/or create a profile on pact social with your identity protected.
You will always have the option to show your support to a pact anonymously.
You can create a profile just with your wallet.
And even when you sign a pact with email or google authentication your email get encrypted and we create a wallet address for you. This wallet will also be used to receive points when people come and sign the pact using your unique link.
To make your signature count, we do need to prove you are a human, and not a bot. So to sign anonymously we do have some verification methods to maintain the platform sybil resistant. More about verification methods in our verification deep dive.
Email > when you sign a pact with email, you will be sent a verification code to your email address we use stytch.com . Stytch will have your email address therefore, but its not linked to the pact you signed, and the wallet address that is created in the process. To be completely anonymous, It's your responsibility to create an unidentifiable email address and social media outlets.
Google > To sign in anonymously with google authenticator we use Lit protocol for secure data encryption. Lit is a key management network for decentralized signing and encryption.
Wallet connect > you can connect with your preferred wallet me.
When you sign a pact: use an encrypted signature hash with validator DID.
When you create a profile.
When you share > using the widget share option > An unique link is created that tracks engagement of anyone that reaches the pact page with this link.
We understand that when you start sharing, you choose to create a public appearance that links your social network or other publications to your unique link of the pact you are advocating for. When you share on social networks that are linked to your identity therefore you are connecting your identity to the pact. This is happening outside of pact.social, and beyond our control.
We use the DID W3 standard. Whenever data is updated, it is signed by the user's DID, so that the ownership and provenance of all writes is verifiable.
Ceramic is a shared data network for storing, managing and querying large amounts of verifiable data, like a decentralised version of a traditional database.
ComposeDB, built on Ceramic, is a decentralised graph database that uses a graph structure: GraphQL for interacting with data stored on Ceramic network. you write data to the blockchain and then query it with The Graph. Signing Transactions: CACAO (Chain Agnostic Capability Object)
Profiles are not public.
The foundations that guide our decisions
Values remain just a bunch of words, until they are demonstrated through consistent actions in all our expressions. They ones we stand by:
Transparency: you can talk to us, and we try to include all information in our docs
Accessibility: so all our tech is #opensource
Collaboration vs competitiveness : We are building with ceramic and orbis to improve the ecosystem as a whole.
Radical decentralization : All we code will be a protocol. So it spreads out and there is no single point of failure.
Free speech: there is no censorship on any of our code. We do care about moderation, but that is decided on a community level.
As for values goes: We are inspired and aligned with the following manifestos:
pact.social offers an update system. Only the Pact’s creator can publish these updates. This can be, for example, to rectify data written in the pact. Or, it may be to encourage the community to share even more in order to reach a signature volume goal. It can also be used to keep the community informed about the progress on the cause.
Updates are displayed in the Updates tab of the Pact detail page. Each update includes a title, a description, a date and the signature of the Pact’s creator.
1️⃣ Connect with the wallet you used to create the Pact
2️⃣ Open your Pact and click on "Update" tab then click on "Post an Update"
3️⃣ Fill a Title, a Description, the Content and an image if you want. You can "Save as a Draft" or "Push Live". The update will be visible by everyone below the Pact itself and under the "Updates" tab.
Partners and Ecosystem
datas are on http://ceramic.network and anchored on chain. So we can be interoperable. User own their datas, devs can create new experiences on top of each other, freely and open. Contents and Data are stored on IPFS through Ceramic Network. Big shout out to Ceramic Network for their continuous commitment!
Our data models are open, and run on ComposeDB, giving both us and anybody that wish to build new frontends or features on top, a GraphQL interface for queries and mutations of datas, secured, and owned by the creator. We are upgrading to the new querying features ComposeDB!
useOrbis at the forefront of social web3, on top of ceramic, it's the perfect fit for pact social. They power contextual chat rooms available on each pact. For the community to better engage, debate, and build. We are thrilled to add new conversation medium to useOrbis.
Signatures should be counted uniquely, thanks to gitcoinpassport! pact.social becomes the only platform that verifies the unicity of signatures: by humans, not bots. All without KYC process. We are proud grantees in the Gitcoin web3 community round + OpenCivics round of #GG19 😉
At pact social we aim at being web3 for everyone. thanks to Lit Protocol, decentralized signing protocol, you can sign on pact social with your email or a google account. Lit Protocol, also powers permissions on encrypted datas, for a private web3 experience.
"OpenCivics convenes and facilitates a civic innovation network of leaders, innovators, change agents, and public servants actualized in service to the public good."
pact.social is super proud to have been selected as potential Advocacy tool and propose the Decentralized Civics Declaration for signature. pact.social recieved some funds from the OpenCivics community after the Gitcoin round 19.
"Since 2017, Gitcoin has been building tools that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters to them."
pact.social is super proud to have been selected for the GG#19 as "Web Community and Education" tool. pact.social received funds from Gitcoin Community!
To verify signature, pact.social is using the Gitcoin passport, which is a good way to verify humanity and unicity without any KYC. pact.social recieved some funds from the OpenCivics community after the Gitcoin round 19.
Giveth's mission is to "To build a culture of giving that rewards and empowers those who give - to projects, to society, and to the world."
To donate and help us to develop pact.social, click here.
Partners and the eco-system
datas are on http://ceramic.network and anchored on chain. So we can be interoperable. User own their datas, devs can create new experiences on top of each other, freely and open. Contents and Data are stored on IPFS through Ceramic Network.
Our data models are open, and run on ComposeDB, giving both us and anybody that wish to build new frontends or features on top, a GraphQL interface for queries and mutations of datas, secured, and owned by the creator. We are upgrading to the new querying features ComposeDB
useOrbis at the forefront of social web3, on top of ceramic, it's the perfect fit for pact social. They power contextual chat rooms available on each pact. For the community to better engage, debate, and build. We are thrilled to add new conversation medium to useOrbis.
Signatures should be counted uniquely, thanks to gitcoinpassport! pact.social becomes the only platform that verifies the unicity of signatures: by humans, not bots. All without KYC process. We are proud grantees in the Gitcoin web3 community round + OpenCivics round of #GG19 😉
At pact social we aim at being web3 for everyone. thanks to Lit Protocol, decentralized signing protocol, you can sign on pact social with your email or a google account. Lit Protocol, also powers permissions on encrypted datas, for a private web3 experience.
"OpenCivics convenes and facilitates a civic innovation network of leaders, innovators, change agents, and public servants actualized in service to the public good."
pact.social is super proud to have been selected as potential Advocacy tool and propose the Decentralized Civics Declaration for signature. pact.social recieved some funds from the OpenCivics community after the Gitcoin round 19.
Find their Decentralized Civics Declaration on pact.social.
"Since 2017, Gitcoin has been building tools that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters to them."
pact.social is super proud to have been selected for the GG#19 as "Web Community and Education" tool. pact.social received funds from Gitcoin Community!
To verify signature, pact.social is using the Gitcoin passport, which is a good way to verify humanity and unicity without any KYC. pact.social received some funds from the Gitcoin community after the Gitcoin round 19.
Giveth's mission is to "To build a culture of giving that rewards and empowers those who give - to projects, to society, and to the world."
To donate and help us to develop pact.social, click here.
pact.social is an open source protocol allowing anyone to use the Pacts data model which could be Petition, Manifestos or Open-letters and its associated signatures through Ceramic protocol Pacts content are public and signature has 3 different modes: public, private and anon. See « How signatures work » to go deeply.
A good diagram is better than a long speech!
Here is how pact.social is working:
pact.social App is using its Ceramic node to access and write content. We use the pact.social data model on composeDB. Then this content is stored using Ceramic and final data is stored on IPFS peer to peer File System protocol.
App1 is an App that uses pact.social data model and Ceramic node, but the APP is different from pact.social one.
App2 is a third App that uses its own Ceramic node and but with the pact.social’s data model.
To use the platform all functionalities are possible without providing any personal identifiable data.
The only places where you would willingly and consciously provide us with personal data, are:
- When you opt in to receive updates on a pact and the platform.
- When you verify/authenticate your signature with email.
The only personal information in this case is: your email address.
So this privacy policy applies to this sole identifiable data.
At pact.social we respect your right to privacy and take personal data protection extremely seriously, as we would like to provide you with the highest level of protection of the personal data that you have trusted us.
This Policy is based on applicable relevant legislation on the protection of personal data, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU.
In this Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as: Policy), we define ways of collecting your personal data, the purposes for which we collect it, the security measures we use to protect it, the persons with whom we share it, and your rights regarding the protection of personal data.
This Policy applies to all personal data processed by pact.social, a platform managed pact.social team. (company registration in process)
As a data controller, and only if you choose to share your eMail, pact.social shall be responsible for processing and storing of your personal data.
If you have any questions regarding the use of this Policy or with regards to the exercise of your rights arising from this Policy, please contact us at the following contact:
- privacy@pact.social
This Policy is for:
- our users and
- visitors of our platform.
Here you can find an explanation of the basic concepts that we use in our Policy.
Each particular concept defined below has the meaning within this Policy as defined in this section.
Personal data means any information that refers to a specific or identifiable individual (for example, the name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and identifiers that are specific to the individual's physical, physiological, genetic, economic, mental, cultural or social identity, etc.).
Controller means a legal entity that determines the purposes and means of processing of your personal data.
Processor means a legal or natural person who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
Processing means collecting, storing, accessing and all other forms of use of personal data.
EEA means the European Economic Area, which identifies all the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.
Member is a legal or natural person registered on the Platform.
Pact is the document a Member can create on pact.social. It could be a Petition, a Manifesto or an Open-Letter.
Pact’s owner is the creator of a Pact.
Pact’s follower is a member that opt-in to receive Pact’s updates.
Signers is a user who signs a Pact.
Signature: could be public or anon and encrypted
Collection is a list of Pacts associated to a name
At pact.social, we process your personal data solely on the basis of clearly stated and legitimate purposes, securely and transparently.
We collect your personal data when you provide it to us: authenticating with eMail, signing up for our newsletter, keeping informed about Pact’s updates, and inquiring by e-mail.
We don’t collect cookies, but 3rd party providers, wallet connect or cloudflare may use them. Please refer to their respective Privacy Policy. Cloudflare: https://www.cloudflare.com/trust-hub/privacy-and-data-protection/
WalletConnect : https://walletconnect.com/privacy
Mailjet : https://www.mailjet.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Your personal data can be obtained directly from you when you provide us with this information (for example, by logging into your member account, etc.). We can also obtain your personal data through the use of our services (e.g. pact’s updates, newsletter).
Category of personal data
Personal data collected
Identity data
eMail, Digital Wallet Information
Contact data
At pact.social, we carefully protect the principle of the minimum amount of data provided by law, and therefore we collect only data that is appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. The purposes for which we collect personal data are defined in Chapter 5.3. of this Policy.
In accordance with the legislation governing the protection of personal data, we may process your personal data on the following legal bases:
- Consent. We process your personal data when you have given consent for the specific purposes of processing, and you are always entitled to revoke that consent;
- The law. When processing is necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations.
The provision of personal data (eMail only) is mandatory only for eMail authentication, Pacts notification or newsletter subscription. In most cases, you provide us with personal data on a voluntary basis.
Granting consent is always voluntary. However, in case of consent revocation or denial of consent, we will not be able to provide certain services.
pact.social will only process your data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. We undertake not to process your personal data in a manner incompatible with the purposes defined in this Policy.
The purposes for which we can use your personal data are defined below. pact.social may use your personal data for one or more of the purposes identified below.
Processing purpose
Category of personal data processed
Legal basis
Registration of an account with eMail – become a member*
E-mail (in the sole case of authentication by eMail) otherwise we don’t process any personal data for registration.
Contractual relationship
Processing purpose
Category of personal data processed
Legal basis
Create a Pact
owner’s member ID, Digital wallet information, Name, encrypted e-mail
Contractual relationship
Create a Collection
owner’s member ID, Digital wallet information, Name, encrypted e-mail
Contractual relationship
Signing a Pact
Signer’s member ID, Digital wallet information, Name, encrypted e-mail
Contractual relationship
Processing purpose
Category of personal data processed
Legal basis
Communicating with members in regard with requests (customer support)
Digital wallet public key, eMail
Legitimate interest (providing good user experience)
Providing updates on the platform (maintenance, etc)
E-mail, Digital Wallet public key
Legitimate interest (providing good user experience)
Executing user satisfaction surveys
Categories of personal data we process differ depending on the theme of the survey and shall be disclosed with each survey.
Legitimate interest (improvement and optimization of our activities)
Processing purpose
Category of personal data processed
Legal basis
Prevent, detect frauds and security issues
Data such as IP address, Digital Wallet public key
Legitimate interest (keeping the platform safe)
Enforcing any legal claims and to settle disputes
eMail (if so), Digital Wallet public key, can be disclosed in order to protect our business and to enforce and / or protect our rights.
Executing statistical analysis.
In order to improve the user experience, we analyze the use of our website.
Legitimate interest (providing an optimal and efficient website)
Processing purpose
Category of personal data processed
Legal basis
Sending newsletter
Sending Pact’s updates
E-mail, digital wallet public key
Sending Pact's recommendation
E-mail, digital wallet public
In the event that there is a need for further processing of personal data (for a different purpose than for the purpose for which personal data were originally obtained), we will inform you in advance and, when necessary, request for consent. You are entitled to revoke at any time any processing of your personal data, based on your consent. You can notify us of the revocation of the consent at any of the contact points defined in Chapter 2 of this Policy.
The only case for which pact.social needs a third party services work is when you register with an eMail. In that case, you fill your eMail through pact.social. Then a verification eMail is sent by our partner Mailjet to you. A code is delivered and you have to enter the code in pact.social interface. That’s all, the account is created, and we don’t store nor use your eMail anymore.
We keep your personal data only in these particular cases:
Pact’s updates subscription
Pact’s recommendations subscription
Newsletter subscription
Support contact
We keep your personal data in accordance with the relevant legislation. We will keep your personal data:
- only for as long as it is absolutely necessary to achieve the purposes for which we are processing (for the purposes for which we process personal data, please refer to Chapter 5.3 of this Policy),
- for a period prescribed by the law (we note here that the deadlines for the retention of personal data may also be prescribed by other laws, not only in the field of personal data protection, such as 10 years for the issued invoices, in accordance with the tax legislation),
- for the period necessary for the fulfillment of the contract, which includes guarantee periods and deadlines in which it is possible to enforce any claims on the basis of a concluded contract (e.g. 5 years after the fulfillment of contractual obligations).
When personal data is obtained on the basis of your consent, we keep it permanently or until you revoke this consent (see how to revoke the consent in Chapter 8 of this Policy). We will delete the information collected on the basis of your consent before your revocation, in case the purpose for which the data was collected has been achieved.
When the retention period for certain personal data expires, we will delete these personal data or anonymize them so that the reconstruction of personal data will no longer be possible.
The retention periods for each category of personal data are defined in Annex 1.
For any additional information, please contact us at any of the contact details defined in Chapter 2 of this Policy.
At pact.social we protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorized processing and/ or access, and against unintentional loss, destruction or damage. We undertake all measures according to our technological capabilities and the impact assessment on your privacy.
For this reason we consider that the sole data owner should be the creator himself. For this reason, no personal data is needed to use pact.social. All personal data are facultative. But if you want to share some personal data with other pact.social users or to associate some personal data with a Pact or a Signature, you can do it. In this case, when you create your profile and fill in personal data like your name, bio, company, and so on, you write it publicly on a Ceramic node. If you fill in your eMail, we always encrypt it before writing it on Ceramic. An encryption key is shared with pact.social and associated with your anon member ID. It’s for this reason we can say that pact.social doesn’t have nor store any personal data. The only owner is you, the creator of the data.
Nevertheless, there are particular cases mentioned in Chapter 5.4 of this policy for which pact.social uses your eMail and sends it to an external partner (MailJet: https://www.mailjet.com/).
In order to ensure that your personal data is safe, we have undertaken the appropriate technical and organizational measures at pact.social, in particular:
- ensuring the regular updating and maintenance of the hardware, software and application equipment that we use for the processing of personal data,
- establishing a restriction on access to personal data,
- data encryption
- careful selection of processors that we trust for the processing of personal data;
- establishing protocols for preventing or limiting damage in case of potential security incidents.
In the event of a violation of the protection of personal data, we will notify without delay about any such violation to the competent supervisory authority.
In the event that there is a suspicion of a criminal offense regarding the violation of personal data, pact.social will also report such violations to the competent authority.
In the event of a violation of data protection that may cause a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, we will inform you of such an event without undue delay.
Your personal data may be, exclusively in order to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, transmitted, or we may just allow access to them to certain third parties defined below. Such third parties may only process your personal data for the purposes for which they were collected.
Accordingly, any third party to whom we transmit personal data is bound to comply with the applicable law as well as to the provisions of this personal data protection policy. With external processors, however, the protection of personal data is further defined by the contract.
Your personal data may be transmitted to:
1. Our external processors who take care of the needs of pact.social: accounting services, law firms, eMail provider (MailJet)
2. When this is required by the law (e.g. tax authorities, courts, etc.).
3. Third party Service providers enabling registration, storage and transfer of funds (Wyre, Metamask, Rainbow, Coinbase, WalletConnect)
On our website we offer you the ability to use the following social networks: Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Telegram, Facebook
The mentioned social networks operate in accordance with their terms of use and privacy policy, where the usage of personal data for each social network is also defined.
Privacy policies are available at the links provided below:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/en/privacy
- Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/
- Discord: https://discord.com/privacy
- Telegram: https://telegram.org/privacy
We would like to remind you that any use of social networks that is enabled on our website is in the sole responsibility of the individual. In the event of any questions and/or requests, an individual is required to contact a particular social network.
pact.social does not assume any responsibility for the use of social networks.
At pact.social the only personal data we store are encrypted eMail and encrypted member ID. All the other data like digital wallet information, name, biography, organisation, title, country, city, encrypted eMail are written on Ceramic Network. The sole owner is the creator of the data (the pact.social member). When a processing is needed, the data owner gives the right to pact.social to operate a processing, but the data is not stored neither owned by pact.social. The only exception to this rule concerns the encrypted eMail, especially to be able to keep the user informed about pact.social activities. In this case the encrypted hash of the eMail is stored by pact.social, only if the user subscribe or proceed to one or several following cases:
Pact’s updates subscription
Pact’s recommendations subscription
Newsletter subscription
Support contact
You have the following rights regarding the personal data processing for the hashed data we store.
You may request information from pact.social whether we are processing your personal data, and if we do, you can request access to your personal data and information about the processing (which data is processed and from where this data originated).
you may request from pact.social to correct or complete your incomplete or inaccurate data being processed.
you may request from pact.social a restriction of the processing of your personal data (when, for example, checking accuracy or the completeness of your personal data).
you may request from pact.social to delete your personal data (we cannot delete those personal data that we keep on the basis of legal requests or contractual relation).
you may request from pact.social to provide you with the personal data that you have provided us with in a structured, widely used and machine-readable form.
you have the right to withdraw consent as to the use of your personal data, which we collect and process on the basis of consent, at any time. The consent may be revoked in any manner specified in Chapter 2 of this Policy. The revocation of the consent has no negative consequences, but it is possible that pact.social will no longer be able to provide you with certain services.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data when processing is for direct marketing purposes or in the event of transmitting your personal information to third parties for the purposes of direct marketing. You can also object processing when your data is used for direct marketing purposes using customized or individual offers ("profiling"). You can make an objection in any manner defined in Chapter 2 of this Policy.
you have the right to request the printout of personal data that you have provided us with. We will provide you with information in a structured, widely used and machine-readable form. You are entitled to provide this data to another controller of your choice. Where technically feasible, you may request that your personal data be transmitted directly to another controller.
Contacts for the exercise of rights:
If you have any questions regarding the use of this Policy or with regards to the exercise of your rights arising from this Policy, please contact us at any of the following contacts:
- privacy@pact.social
You have the right to file a complaint against us with the competent authority for the protection of personal data.
The integrity of personal data processed and regular updating is a priority for pact.social. Please kindly inform us of any change of your personal data to the above contacts. We will take care of the correction or supplementing your personal data in the shortest possible time.
In case of exercising any of the rights, we may require additional personal data (such as digital wallet public key, name, surname, e-mail address) for identification purposes. We will only need additional information when the information you provide is not sufficient for reliable identification (in this way, we want to prevent your personal data from being transmitted to a third party due to unreliable identification).
At pact.social, we can change this Policy at any time. We shall notify you of the change of the Policy on our web site. We shall consider that you agree with the new version of this Policy if, after the new version enters into force, you continue to use our website and other services defined by this Policy.
The current version of this Policy will be available on our website: https://pact.social/privacy-policy
Processing purpose
Retention period
Registration of an account – become a member buy using eMail
5 years after the deletion of account
Sending Pact’s updates
Until revoked
Sending Pact's recommendation
Until revoked
Communicating with members in regard with requests (customer support)
30 days after the conclusion of communication
Providing updates on the platform (maintenance, etc)
Until the user account has been deleted
Executing user satisfaction surveys
Data is anonymized immediately after execution of the survey
Sending newsletter
Until revoked
Where to find us across the web
Anyone can post pacts and pact.social website is not censoring and only moderating according to our bias. We did built the platform with an ideology in mind, so to pretend we are neutral as a brand, nop. We do have a message, and as an good advocacy platform should do: we are advocating for it. (read more about it in vision and mission ) through:
Manifesto song playlist - collection of songs old and new that are a manifesto in some way. youtube manifesto playlist
Podcast pact.cast (in the making) outlet to discuss curated pacts and invited guests to promote their causes. If you like to be a guest please get in touch.
Where to find us and the community:
Decentralized networks:
Farcaster @pactsocial
Centralized networks:
youtube manifesto playlist
Grant pages:
Because we believe the advocates and lobbyist is you! All of you.
So you want to take action,
and gather people around something you believe in?
You want to show support, and advocate for change. But the platforms you use to take action are not neutral or secure.. who to trust?
Avaaz can not secure your privacy:
From their privacy policy: "If you do not wish to have your name and country publicly associated with a particular campaign, please do not sign or post on that campaign."
Change.org have conflict of interest:
Change.org is funded by Bill Gates and has centralised data storage. Petitions like : Citizens arrest of BILL GATES. have people enter their personal data, which is then managed by Bill Gates. + Misleading donation destination. + + Petitions get hacked or deleted.
Gofundme has central control over funds destination:
"the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe froze the convoy's official campaign, claiming law enforcement convinced the company that the convoy had become violent and unlawful."
This is why we created pact.social
A platform where you can take action, by creating and signing petitions and manifestos without fear of:
your data being exposed,
your petition censored,
or your funds being controlled.
How do we do it?
We use the tech structure that was designed for preserving your privacy and content: Web 3. Where many projects work together to make sure data can be verified without revealing (or storing) identity data anywhere, and can not be censored. We managed to create a Web3 platform but for everybody to sign like they are used to: with email, google or wallet. Data can be encrypted and not linked to the petition you sign. So apart from signing publicly, you can sign anonymously, and still be verified as being a human. So petitions will not lose their credibility in the amount of humans that stand for a cause. pact.social is the only petition platform that created a truly decentralised and private signing verification method.
And because we believe that privacy preserving methods should be the norm, we are building an open protocol. Which means that anybody will be able to add private signing method on their own website, platform or app.
Open source and free.
It doesn't stop there.... You will be able to donate to the petition or manifesto. And in contrary to other petition platforms. These donated funds will be distributed to all those that share the petition and make sure a lot of people see it and sign it.
Because we believe the advocates and lobbyist is you! All of you.
We see the value in creating awareness and consciousness of the masses, not in backdoors of private clubs.
pact.social is ready, you can go now to and sign a petition or create a manifesto or open letter.
For deeper dive..
We realized that many Petition platforms are exploiting and sometimes reselling your personal data, including your political opinions. We realized that the market leader about Petition, is in fact, a for-profit company. Despite of its domain extension in ".org", we realized that this platform is mandated by big whales and their associated foundations to only highlight causes that serves big whales interests. We realized that the donation you give is not for the petition cause but captured at 100% by the platform to pay the marketing costs of the platform.
All platforms are not like this one. But all exploit your personal data.
We realized that it's very easy to boost signatures with fake accounts. Level of security is just an eMail verification. Very easy for bots or "click factories" to produce ton of signatures. How to garant Unicity of signatures? There is no difference made between a verified signature and a not verified one. Why? Because the only way to make it is to proceed to a Know Your Customer verification, with ID or passport. And it's a User Experience killer... But in Web3, technologies allow to make it simpler.
We realized that you can never sign or vote anonymously. But anonymity is essential to true freedom of expression. Besides, our votes to elect our political representatives are quite anonymous, right? So why is it not possible on traditional petition platforms? Perhaps because Web2 technology does not allow this to be done simply. Perhaps because there is no difference in weight between an anonymous signature and a verified signature.
We realized that the same cause or petition can be published several times through different platforms. Signatures are diluted, impact is minimized.
We realized that platforms propose Petitions, but there is no platform that propose Manifestos or Open-Letters. For those two kind of expression tool, it's always isolated initiatives, on social media, on Google sheet, and these documents are rarely open for signature by those who join.
We realized that the more social networks we have, the more people express themselves, the more the governing bodies put pressure on these media to control or even censor certain opinions. So yes, there are legal frameworks to respect. Above all, there are morals, ethics and respect for differences to be had. But heck, let’s let individuals make up their own minds. Let them judge for themselves. History has shown us a hundred times that forcing communities and individuals to have a single way of thinking is never good and always leads to major conflicts with the tragedies and deaths that go with them.
For all those reasons we have created pact.social, and here is our answer:
pact.social is the first Web3 and open source platform dedicated to Petitions, Manifestos and Open-Letters.
pact.social is not using neither stored your personal data.
No personal data are needed to use pact.social.
pact.social allows anon signature, just verify you are not a bot. But you can also choose to sign publicly.
pact.social propose to verify your signature to give more weight. We are using Gitcoin passport. A score > 20 triggers a verified signature.
The "Pacts" are accessible through ceramic network. Any third party can integrate it in their own platform, no signature dilution. (API and SDK available soon) .
Like signatures, the only owner of a pact is its creator. pact.social dApp is only reading the document from Ceramic network.
pact.social has been designed to be Sybil resistant.
pact.social is an open source project.
The only Cookie we have is a Cloudflare one. Indeed, we are using a Captcha service provided by Cloudflare. This service allows us to protect pact.social App against bots. This cookies doesn’t collect any personal information excepted the IP.
We are not using Google Analytics or any other « eMarketing » cookies!
SDK: software development kit (on the roadmap) pact.social is designed to output an SDK, so "Pacts" and their functionalities can be easily be implemented by a programmer in your own webpage or app.
As a Pact's owner, you can modify your Pact.
1️⃣ Connect with the wallet you initially used to create the Pact.
2️⃣ Explore all Pacts, find yours, and click on it to open.
3️⃣ Once on your Pact's page, click on "EDIT" button
4️⃣ Make the changes you want, then click on "UPDATE" button, that's it!
It works like this:
Humans that make it happen
We are a bunch of Cyberpunks that build Sybil resistant tools to bring people together to Act.
We are all hackers driven by change. We are the 99%. Our world seems under chaos everyday, yet we strive to change our daily lives in a certainly unfair war against each other.
pact.social is born from a team composed of independents with complementary skills and with a great Web3 experience. ranging from: Before there was peer-to-peer in the early days of the pirate bay and napster, he was creating digital products around decentralised values. Springing from an early study of geopolitics, economics and what they used to call conspiracy theories. We could call him a French revolutionary back in the day when it was not yet cool to be revolutionary.
On the other hand, creating projects around decentralised power online and offline, Coops and Social impact hubs, using different governance structures like sociocracy and pedagogical models like rudolf steiner, understanding different paradigms by living in very different cultures (country and other subcultures), diversity of people and power structures. Realizing that any community, even huge DAO's are all made up of humans, and can achieve incredible things together if the base structure and tools are trusted.
We can also count with the courageous and determined attitude to radically change from a comfortable steady job, to full dedication to purpose driven work and bringing with it the experience of operations of large corporations. Taking a deep dive and relearning what illusionary security fiat money and political systems brings. And living life making people smile and humor being the best people connector.
pact.social is a community. A community committed to its beliefs. A community that is tired of leaving its personal data, political opinions or personal convictions exploited by other petition management platforms under the cover of endless and unclear legal texts, in the unique goal to increase their private capital. pact.social has a vocation to become a DAO. DAO members could be anyone who wants to contribute to the project.
Find us on the Socials
Here is described the 3 type of signatures we proposed
To be able to sign, you need first to be connected. (how to connect?)
You can sign as anon, public or an organisation
When you select "sign anonymously", we create a random wallet for you. The Wallet address displayed in the signatures list is the address of this random wallet. We burn this wallet just after you sign.
When you choose this option your Wallet address can be displayed. You need to fill a Name. It could be your real name or a pseudo.
If you complete your profile with an organization name or a title, and if you upload a profile picture, these informations will be displayed. Like this 👇
But other informations like your country, city or Bio, are never displayed.
Your eMail is never displayed (and it is encrypted) and only used to keep you informed about the pact's updates.
All these information are written through Ceramic network. We never store your data, we only read it from Ceramic. See how it technically works here.
If you are an organisation, you can also sign as an entity: 1️⃣ Fill your name 2️⃣ Enable "Sign as an org." 3️⃣ Fill your organisation name 4️⃣ Sign
Your signature will appear like this 👇
As an open platform, we’re committed to freedom of expression. You’ll see a range of perspectives here, as all of the Pacts on pact.social have been created by people in the community. Anyone can use pact.social no matter who they are, where they live, and what they believe, as long as they follow simple guidelines to keep our platform safe and open.
This applies to all content you post. “Content” includes, but is not limited to, petitions, manifestos and open-letters content, but also updates, comments and files/photos/pictures.
Here are the things we don’t want to see on pact.social, which may force us to filter some Pacts from displaying or to ban followers from our Social Media accounts. Be aware that all contents of a Pact is written through Ceramic protocol (then written on IPFS protocol). pact.social can be seen as a « viewer » of this content and not as the tool that hosts this content. Even if pact.social team decides to filter a Pact that doesn’t respect our Community Guidelines from displaying, we cannot remove content from Ceramic/IPFS because the only owner of a Pact is the creator himself. pact.social can only read and eventually filter content published by users on Ceramic.
Here is the categories we don’t want to see on pact.social:
Violence — We don’t allow content that incites, glorifies, supports or encourages violence against anyone — and this includes support for violent groups or individuals. No matter how passionately you feel about an issue, don’t use calls for violence to express your feelings or support the same behavior from others.
Defamation, disrespect — any content that include defamatory, « offensive », « discriminatory or abusive » language.
Scam, Third parties rights— usurping a third party identity or directly or indirectly infringing any third party or the rights of third parties, in particular the right to privacy.
Intellectual property rights — any publications infringing intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademark law.
Sexual - Pornographic - Violent - Sensitive image— Waiting for a NSFW feature, we keep the right to temporarily filter this kind of content. But as soon as we will have a NFSW feature able to hide this kind of content, and display it only on a volunteer action of the user, we will allow it.
Child pornography — No Child pornography.
Animals abusing — Promote violence against animals is not welcomed. But using an explicit image showing some violences to illustrate a Pact AGAINST Animal abusing should be considered as NFSW content. We will treat this as NFSW content. (See bullet about Sexual - Pornographic - Violent - Sensitive image)
Threats — Any publications constituting acts of intimidation, harassment or blackmail are not welcomed.
Hate Speech - We at pact.social have a hard time understanding what is flagged as "hate speech", since the meaning of the term, seems to be changing almost everyday by the legacy media and sitting political powers. We will not moderate our content according to the political agenda of the current or future sitting powers. But rather have moderation guidelines decided by our community, common sense and the core values of respect in how we treat eachother. We believe without defining moderation based on "hate speech" or "hate groups", all our other community moderation guidelines above, will cover most issues that we do not stand for on our platform.
Please approach us directly if you feel something is missing here.
A "Pact" can be a Petition, a Manifesto or an Open-Letter! And is constructed as a Campaign.
A Pact has its own unique URL and when you arrive at it via an advocacy action, this URL will contain its unique signature that links your actions to the advocate.
read here how we manage your personal data
No personal data are needed to use the platform.
All personal data are facultative: name, eMail, bio, organisation, title, ..., everything!!
But if you choose to put some personal data like a name or a pseudo, a bio, and so on, you have to know that we don't store it neither exploit nor resell to someone else.
When you choose to associate personal data to your profile those data are written through Ceramic network and linked in your Ethereum address (your Wallet address)
The sole owner is you, not pact.social.
Here are all data you can associate to your profile. 👇
The name, the profile picture, your organisation and your title are potentially displayed if you choose to sign publicly. See the different kind of signatures here.
The eMail is only used to keep you informed about pact.social platform and about the Pacts you signed if you ticked "Stay informed" box. like here 👇
We don't store your eMail, instead, we encrypt it and write it on Ceramic (like the other personal informations you filled). When you ticked the "stay informed box" or when you fill an eMail in your profile, you allow pact.social to decrypt your eMail from pact.social. If you want to stop it, you just have to remove your eMail from your profile, that's it!
You can change or remove your personal data when you want.
Create a Petition, a Manifesto or an Open-Letter
1️⃣ You need to connect with a wallet. (See how to connect here)
2️⃣ Click on "Start a Pact" in the header
then, follow these steps:
3️⃣ Select the Pact's type: Petition, Manifesto or Open-Letter
4️⃣ Choose an existing topic or create a new one. To create one:
Enter your topic
Click on Create "Name of your topic"
5️⃣ Choose a title for your Pact.
6️⃣ Enter a summary for your Pact.
7️⃣ Fill your content: Use the H2 or H3 to highlight chapter or title. Do not hesitate to put links, separators, bullet points list... make your text as attractive and readable as possible!
8️⃣ Choose one or several images to illustrate your pact. Check the rendering cause we don't have yet integrated cropping tool. We are working on it 😉!
9️⃣ If you want to save a draft of your pact and publish it later, click on save draft
🔟 When it's ready, click on "Complete to Publish Live"
A good diagram is better than a long speech!
Here is how pact.social is working:
Pact.social App is using its Ceramic node to access and write content. We use the pact.social data model on composeDB. Then this content is stored using Ceramic and final data is stored on IPFS peer to peer File System protocol.
App1 is an App that uses pact.social data model and Ceramic node, but the APP is different from pact.social one.
App2 is a third App that uses its own Ceramic node and but with the pact.social’s data model.
Before to act, you must be connected
🦊 You are web3 user, connect with your Wallet!
📨 You don't know what the heck is a Wallet? => Connect with your Google account or with an eMail, we create an Ethereum address for you!
You can choose this method to sign without verification, but if you want to create a "Pact" or if you want to verify your signature, you must connect a Wallet.
1️⃣ Click on "Connect" (upper right on desktop, in the upper left menu on mobile)
2️⃣ Choose the way to connect:
With your Google Account? => go to 3️⃣.1
With an eMail? => go to 3️⃣.2
With a Wallet? => go to 4️⃣
3️⃣.1 If you choose "sign-in with Google", wait a moment, then you 're connected:
3️⃣.2 If you choose eMail connection, enter you eMail and click on "SEND CODE":
then open your mail-box, copy the code, and paste it on pact.social, and finally, click on "Verify":
After some seconds, you're connected! => You can see your ethereum address displayed as is 👇instead of the "Connect' button.
4️⃣ If you choose one of the Wallet, click on "Sign"
5️⃣ Confirm the connection in your Wallet (here is Metamask), then go back on pact.social:
6️⃣ Once on pact.social, you need now to unlock your private storage, click on "Sign":
7️⃣ Confirm it in your Wallet:
8️⃣ You are connected and ready to use pact.social! 🥳👏